Fine fine fine fine fine
Say what you want, but "Just Fine" the first track off of Mary J's upcoming album is TIGHT! I'm not sure why it's my current obsession. Is it the ooohs and the chorus that just screams "Make a House Remix of Me!"? Is it that I can't help feeling like this guy:
when I blast it? Is it that it gives me the same fuzzy feelings as MJ's "Off the Wall"? Is it that I've had enough of the sad sappy woe is me music that seems to populate much of my listening history? All right, I'm never going to give up Yo la Tengo's "Decora", but there's a time and place for that (usually in a dark room curled up into a ball crying), and although I do look good in black, right now I don't feel so much like doing that.
Although her hair is a borderline blond version of ANTM's Saleshia/Tootie's 'do, I still dig her, this video, & the song.