Campus Ladies, How I Miss Thee . . .
I know this is late news for those in the know, but I was just reminiscing* about the Campus Ladies show and damn it I miss it! Curses to you Oxygen network for not renewing it. It seriously was the only show in recent memory that I would look forward to watching. Maybe I loved the show because I had the glimmer of hope that I would one day be a Campus Lady, making my own clothes from Jo-Ann Fabrics (or Hancock Fabrics), going heavy on the blue eyeshadow and hair spray, and creepily obsessing over guys at least twenty years younger than me. Wait a sec, I can do all of these things now! All hope is not lost. But, seriously, now my days are spent hoping that an America's Next Top Model Marathon will come on VHI.
*not that I'm on a Fergie kick or anything, but doesn't that one line in "Glamorous" sound like she says "reminiscing on days when I had a Moustache"? That would be so much better than a Mustang.
*not that I'm on a Fergie kick or anything, but doesn't that one line in "Glamorous" sound like she says "reminiscing on days when I had a Moustache"? That would be so much better than a Mustang.