"Got a License to Confuse"
Well, I survived Halloween, just barely. Who knew that an all you can drink at a bar would serve Classy huge goblets of 75% vodka all night and that these goblets would in turn make her fall into the bushes?
One more Halloween related event to go which is going to see . . . And you will know us by the Trail of Dead at House of Blues on Halloween night, and barring any concussion rendering boot blows to my head in the mosh pit, I will be on the home stretch to my ten year reunion come Wednesday.
Another brilliant reunion preparation idea. I have a friend that did not go to my high school that is going to my reunion. He has been debating whether or not he should be honest and let the other attendees know that he didn’t go to our school or if he should go with the more hilarious option of pretending that he is actually someone that went to our school.
Since I always opt for hilarity, I think the second option will be spectacular for all parties involved. To assist him with achieving success with this endeavor, success equating to making as many people as uncomfortable as possible (awkwardness, anyone?) and entertaining my friends and me for the majority of the evening with his antics, I will do the following:
I will closely examine my senior yearbook and find someone who looks similar to my friend. I will cross reference the picture with the attendees on the Evite list in order to prevent any sabotage of the plan. Two Tony Titones does not a good reunion make.
He has requested that I find ten people from my class that I know some dirt on or just some random details. I then need to blow up their senior pictures (thanks to Dr. Ken for letting me use his senior photo) to 8x10 size placing their name underneath as well as five bullet points containing the factoids he needs to memorize. He will memorize these items, names, and faces during our pre-party. They may be memorized during a drunken haze, but I believe that any permutation of name/face/fact that he can remember will result in comedy gold.
For instance, “Hey, insert name here, I am sorry that you won that clown car of a Geo Metro at the senior picnic. Didn’t I see you drive up in that today?”
“Wassup, insert name here, I feel bad that you didn’t win as prom queen, to make up for it do you want to go make out in the corner?”
“Yo, insert name here, didn’t I see your name in the police blotter? Nice work!” (Proceed to try to get a high five)
This reunion is shaping up to be the event of the century. Well, okay, maybe of November, no wait, I’m going to see Morrissey, My Morning Jacket, and have a trip planned to NYC. Let’s just say hands down that it is going to rule!